Creating Account

To create an account in K8Studio, you need to go to

1. Sign Up Process

1.1. Click on "Sign Up":

  • Navigate to the K8Studio website or app.

  • Locate and click on the "Sign Up" button.

1.2. Enter User Details:

  • Provide a valid email address to be used as your username.

  • Choose a secure password that meets the specified requirements.

  • Fill in any additional required information.

1.3. Click on "Sign Up":

  • After entering your details, click on the "Sign Up" button to proceed.

2. Email Verification

2.1. Check Your Email:

  • Open the email account associated with the provided email address

2.2. Find Verification Email:

  • Look for an email from K8Studio with the subject "Account Verification."

2.3. Open Verification Email:

  • Open the email and locate the verification code provided.

3. Activate Your Account

3.1. Paste Verification Code:

  • Return to K8studio app.

  • Navigate to the activation page and enter the verification code from the email.

3.2. Complete Activation:

  • Click on the "Activate" button to complete the activation process.

4. Sign In to Your Account

4.1. Click on "Sign In":

  • Return to the main page and click on the "Sign In" button.

4.2. Enter User Credentials:

  • Input your registered email address and password.

4.3. Access K8Studio:

Note: Keep your login credentials secure, and if you encounter any issues during the registration process, feel free to contact our support team at [].

Last updated