⚙️Linux Installation

Debian 12+:

  1. Download the Package: Download the latest k8studio.deb +12 package from the appropriate source. You might obtain this from the official website or another trusted repository.

  2. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window on your Debian or Ubuntu system. You can do this by searching for "Terminal" in the applications menu or by using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T.

  3. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where the k8studio.deb package is located. For example, if it's in the Downloads folder, you can navigate there using

cd ~/Downloads
  1. Install the Package: Install the k8studio.deb package using the dpkg command. Replace k8studio.deb with the actual filename if it's different.

sudo dpkg -i k8studio.deb

Debian 10:

  1. Download the Package: Download the latest k8studio.deb 10 package from the appropriate source. You might obtain this from the official website or another trusted repository.

  2. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window on your Debian or Ubuntu system. You can do this by searching for "Terminal" in the applications menu or by using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T.

  3. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where the k8studio.deb package is located. For example, if it's in the Downloads folder, you can navigate there using

cd ~/Downloads
  1. Install the Package: Install the k8studio.deb package using the dpkg command. Replace k8studio.deb with the actual filename if it's different.

sudo dpkg -i k8studio.deb

App Image:

  1. Download the K8studio AppImage: Download the "K8studio.appImage" file from the official website or another trusted source.

  2. Set Execution Permissions: Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the "K8studio.appImage" file is located. Use the chmod command to make the AppImage file executable. For example:

    chmod +x K8studio.appImage
  3. Optional: Move to a Preferred Location: You can optionally move the AppImage file to a preferred location on your system. For example, you might move it to the ~/Applications directory. Use the mv command for this purpose. For example:

    mv K8studio.appImage ~/Applications
  4. Launch the AppImage: To run the K8studio AppImage, simply double-click on it in your file manager or execute it from the terminal. If you moved the AppImage to a different directory, navigate to that directory in the terminal first. For example:

    cd ~/Applications
  5. Optional: Create Desktop Shortcut: If you want to create a desktop shortcut for the K8studio AppImage, you can do so manually or by using tools provided by your desktop environment.


  1. Download the RPM Package: Download the k8studio.rpm package from the official website or another trusted source.

  2. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window on your Fedora system. You can do this by searching for "Terminal" in the applications menu or by using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T.

  3. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where the k8studio.rpm package is located. For example, if it's in the Downloads folder, you can navigate there using:

    cd ~/Downloads
  4. Install the Package: Install the k8studio.rpm package using the dnf package manager. Use the following command:

    sudo dnf install k8studio.rpm
  5. Enter Your Password: When prompted, enter your user password. Note that you need to have sudo privileges to install packages on Fedora.

  6. Wait for Installation: Allow the installation process to complete. The dnf package manager will handle dependencies and install the package accordingly.

  7. Verify Installation: After the installation is complete, you can verify that K8Studio is installed correctly by running:

     codek8studio --version

    This should display the installed version of K8Studio.

  8. Launch K8Studio: You can now launch K8Studio from the application menu or by running:


That's it! You have successfully installed K8Studio on your Fedora system using the RPM package


  1. Download the FreeBSD Package: Download the FreeBSD package for K8Studio, typically named k8studio.freebsd, from the official website or another trusted source.

  2. Open Terminal: Open a terminal window on your FreeBSD system. You can do this by navigating to the Applications menu or by using a shortcut.

  3. Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you downloaded the K8Studio package. For example:

    cd ~/Downloads
  4. Install the Package: Install the K8Studio package using the pkg package manager. Use the following command:

    sudo pkg install k8studio.freebsd
  5. Enter Your Password: When prompted, enter your user password. Note that you need to have sudo privileges to install packages on FreeBSD.

  6. Wait for Installation: Allow the installation process to complete. The pkg package manager will handle dependencies and install the package accordingly.

  7. Verify Installation: After the installation is complete, you can verify that K8Studio is installed correctly by running:

    k8studio --version

    This should display the installed version of K8Studio.

  8. Launch K8Studio: You can now launch K8Studio from the application menu or by running:


That's it! You have successfully installed K8Studio on your FreeBSD system using the k8studio.freebsd package.

Last updated