Linking Services,Ingress and PVC
Going beyond pure CRUD of objects, the deployment view has a set of helpers that allow us to establish connections between objects. When we select an object, a plus button appears at the top and bottom of the object. Clicking this button opens the appropriate dialog to create an interconnection. The types of connections we are referring to are as follows:
Connect Ingress with Service: This helper makes it easy to connect an Ingress with a Service. In the helper form, you can choose any of the available services on the cluster. Once you have chosen a service, you can select from the available service ports and define the host, port, and TLS that the Ingress is going to use to create a rule.
Connect Service with Ingress: This helper will help you to make a connection between a service and an ingress.In the helper form, you can choose any of the available ingress on the cluster. Once you have chosen a ingress, you can select from the selected service ports and define the host, port, and TLS that the Ingress is going to use to create a rule.
Connect Service with a Workload: In this helper form, you can choose any of the available workloads in the cluster. Once you have selected a workload, you can then choose from the available workload ports to determine which one you want your service to connect to, using the workload port as the target port, and allowing you to define the service port.
Connect Workload with Service: In this helper form, you can choose any of the available services in the cluster. Once you have selected a services, you can then choose from the available workload ports to determine which one you want your service to connect to, using the workload port as the target port, and allowing you to define the service port.
Connect Workload with a PVC (Persistent Volume Claim): This helper window allows you to connect a volume with a workload. You can specify the type of volume (PVC, Config Map, or Secret), the name of the volume, the container to mount, and the mount path. In the case that you choose a PVC, you can also define the capacity, storage class, and the access mode.
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